Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Presenting POWOW for Platform - 6.00 p.m. 16th December 2011

POWOW  were one of the groups that benefitted from some financial support from Platform based at at University College Falmouth's Performance Centre in Penryn, Cornwall.  In fact, without that support, our workshops probably wouln't have happened at all.

Platform are hosting this evening of performance showing the work of the community groups that were supported by them.

As the POWOW women are unable to get together to make a performance piece, I've agreed, with their consent, to show a presentation of some kind during the evening.  Andy Mellors, who took the photos of the workshop and a few short video clips, and myself will try to put something interesting and representative together for this.  We may produce a small Zine and make an audio visual presentation on a loop, so anyone who's interested can dip in and out of the showing between other performances. 

I'm still trying to put my CEP (academic) presentation together and there's lots of photo, video and text editing yet to do.  I hope the two different presentations can share material, so cutting down the preparation time.

Four other community groups will be showing their performances.

As soon as there's more info I'll post it here and maybe, if the POWOW participants agree, I might be able to share more on this blog.

In the meantime, it's time to get ready for Christmas - but I haven't much time for that - and my op is scheduled for 22 December. 

As Corporal Jones often shouted "Don't panic!".


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