I took the first photo with my phone camera. Andy Mellors has been capturing moments in all the activity. The participants have signed a sheet allowing me to use their images for my Uni documentation, but they'd prefer I didn't put them on the blog. Unless they change their mind I'm restricted to sharing just a few moments of my own work, sometimes with Adele.
Another view of Studio C where we held the first POWOW workshop. The space, light, floor were so tempting and kind. It's a luxury to be able to use a beautiful studio such as this. As I'm a student at UCF I was able to book the space for POWOW. I was excited to have older women coming into the Performance Centre to do their own thing there. We began just before the 2011-2012 term had begun so the building was quiet.
Moulded Statues
Here Adele is moulding me into a statue. I was to retain the shape she set me in, explore the feelings of the shape, figure how to move with it, see where it leads. We 'followed our joy'.
Interesting Moments
In reviewing the photos I've noticed the ones that interest me the most are the ones where there is no 'trying' or 'showing' going on but just being. This is perhaps easier in improvised theatre than scripted theatre but my joy is to find impulses, feelings, interests and have them serve the libretto, script or words. As soon as I try to show something it looks false and lacks subtlety.
Developing sensitivity, working with awareness of oneself and others, plus the space etc. takes some warming up to and regular opportunity to practice and play. For me, during the workshops, there is a strong sense of play that I remember from early childhood and I have new appreciation of the fact that people play write (playwrights), that actors are players, that we play instruments. So much of learning about this things has turned them into work full of tension and earnest striving, the results of which are often no more satisfying in my opinion than results which are achieved by intensely connected play.